Monday, February 09, 2009

Alex Ferrari & Red Princess Blues Featured in MovieMaker Magazine

Director Alex Ferrari

Indie Writer/Director Alex Ferrari (BROKEN, Red Princess Blues) has been featured in the current issue of MovieMaker Magazine. He has been working on bringing his latest project Red Princess Blues to the big screen for sometime now. He teamed up with Moviemaker Magazine and, which has made it their flagship project. The Red Princess Blues property already has a video game trailer (, an animated prequel to the live-action film ( and has a graphic novel in the works. They are currently looking for financing for Red Princess Blues.

For more info on RPB goto:

1 comment: said...

I dont know what it is about this blog that turns me off so much, but you just dont seem to get me excited. I dont know if its the lack of content or just the way you wrote it. But you really dont seem to understand that your readers may not agree with you. Youre really just too out there for me.